Thank you for viewing the IBIS demo. Install the demo onto your hard disk (C: or D:). In the directions below, replace our drive letters with the letters for the drives you are using. For example, you may substitute our C: with a D:, or our A: with a B:
In DOS, create a directory called IBISDEMO:
MD\IBISDEMO (press Enter)
Copy the files from the diskette into the directory:
COPY A:*.* C:\IBISDEMO (press Enter)
Change to the IBISDEMO directory:
CD\IBISDEMO (press Enter)
Extract the compressed files:
IBISDEMO (press Enter)
When the extraction is complete, launch Windows:
WIN (press Enter)
In the Windows Program Manager, Choose "Run" from the "File" menu.
In the Command Line box, type the following information as shown below: